Google Wants Me And I Want Them Back!

Being the cynical person that I can be at times, I of course assumed that it was a spam or some big joke. I mean after all, why me??? But after calling the number directly and checking and started googling on Denise Chudy and Jennifer Bradburn that I spoke with and contacted me and that is when I realized it was definitely not a joke. There will good stuff for us (which I'm not able to freely dispose), fun Google giveaways (also a picture I initially posted but was asked to take down) as well as free parking (badly needed in downtown Chicago) and free food – who wouldn’t want that? I honestly didn’t even care about all that freebies (yeah right?)…I just jumped the opportunity to be away from my kids a little bit and see what all this promised excitement is all about. Basically if you give me free food that I can enjoy without having to have one arm for the baby and the other arm semi-free to help me gulp down my food quickly before the baby starts to fuss –then I’m there! hehe...
Well the event was yesterday and I still can’t stop oogling over it. It was definitely fun and eye opening. I sat down with 5 other Moms in the panel that turned out to be the nicest people and 3 of which are also awesome bloggers:
- Sara from Self Made Mom who live blogged about the event and has the most detailed info in her blog about it
- Amy from Hailey Bug Picnic who unfortunately got a little sick but managed to do the Q&A part
- and Stephanie from Adventures in Babywearing whom I got to ask what babywearing and attachment parenting is all about.
Together with 2 non-blogger moms Jessica and Madeline, we sat in front facing +100 other company marketing execs like Procter & gamble, General Mills, etc. answering questions on how technologies impacted our daily lives as Mothers and also the role we play in it as bloggers and consumers. I’m not sure I remember many of the questions – but all I remember is that I had to tackle on the question in how the internet helped me with preparing for a newborn, and I think I went on and had a verbal diarrhea on breastfeeding and I may have made a big dufus out of myself…but oh well. I think I'm still allowed to use that "I just had a baby", and sleep deprivation as my escape goat for giving out dumb incoherent answers.
Anyhow, the food was great, the people were awesome, and the cocktails were plenty. I wish I had a martini or two but I’m still breastfeeding so I can’t! Not fair! See I told you I couldn’t stay away from the breastfeeding topic…uurgh. Anyway, to top it all off – a couple of Google people had came up to me and mentioned that they have read my blog and find it enjoyable, and Jennifer from Google said that someone else in Google mentioned that they have always read my blog. I think they are either lying or out of their mind, but I was more than flattered – and now completely intimidated and more pressured to become a better and more consistent blogger.
I will be posting more pics here on the event as soon as I beg someone to send me some pics. In the meantime check out the event infos here and learn what Digital Life Quotient is and check to see your own DLQ score. I think Jennifer said that they will be adding pictures in there as well.
Oh and thank you Jennifer and Denise for making it so fun being at Google - the giveaways are really fun and much appreciated and also thanks to Amy for all the pictures!
thanks for dinner...hailey and i will definitely make a trip into the city to see you soon!
that is so cool that you were selected to be on their panel.
I love that pink and black bag, lucky, lucky you!
- Tanya, Motherwear Breastfeeding Blog (and also Asian American/happa!)
so will we see you on the Today Show or on Oprah talking about breastfeeding and how to eat with one hand? ;)